What is Mental Training?

2 Min Read

Have you ever thought about your mental health and its relation to shooting? Do you ever get the feeling that your match would have gone better if you could control your feelings and channel your emotions better? Could mental training be the solution? The answer is YES! Mental Training is an exercise that can help decrease the pressure you may feel during a match or it can help handle how low you feel when your match doesn’t go as planned. It can also help you deal with the arrogance or overconfidence that comes from a big win. Mental health training will help you reach ZEN. A state of mental and physical peace.

When we talk about mental training for shooting sport these exercises come at the top of the list are: –

  1. Positive Self Talk
  2. Meditation
  3. Breathing Exercises
  4. Physical Fitness

Follow the next lessons for learning more about the above.

All of us have the ability to train our minds into performing better and mental training is the path we must take. We must push our brain, like we push our bodies, so that we can slowly learn its abilities and learn how to harness these abilities to manage our emotions when we are put in difficult match situations. Our mind will learn to adapt and grow stronger through these mental training exercises. However, we must be cautious as all exercises work differently on different people. So, we must try different exercises and recognize the ones that work best on our minds. We need to develop our own personal cocktail of mental training exercises.

These exercises may sound heavy and difficult so you may try avoiding them. So, whenever you feel like you can’t do them just remember this quote “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

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