We All Need Some Vitamins In Our Lives

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We All Need Some Vitamins In Our Lives

When we talk about our daily dietary needs we tend to overlook the importance of Vitamins just because they are required in small quantities. Due to this we see that most people have some form of vitamin or mineral deficiency that hampers their daily routines in small steps but if neglected for a long duration of time can lead to severe ailments. These are micronutrients which are only needed in small quantities, usually in milligrams or micrograms and do not provide any energy to the body. However, these macronutrients are extremely important for the smooth functioning of our body as they assist with many vital body systems. They help our body utilize the energy we get from other food items in an appropriate manner. 

All of the information and much more is available in abundance online but what most shooters look for is how something can affect them and their shooting. So we at Aim Down Sight bright to you an article that will try to deal with all the effects different types of vitamins have on your body and how these can affect your shooting. If we look at vitamins as a whole we can say that one of the most important roles they play is to counter free radical attacks that can be caused due to prolonged and intense workout or training sessions. Vitamins also maintain hemoglobin levels that in turn help with proper oxygen supply to your body, especially during physically taxing activities. Our bones and muscles need to be in prime condition consistently for workouts and training sessions and vitamins play a crucial role in this maintenance. 

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Before we delve into specific vitamins we have to divide them into two parts i.e, water soluble and fat soluble vitamins. Since this division is pretty self explanatory let’s dive straight in with ‘Fat Soluble Vitamins’. Since these vitamins are only soluble in fat they usually get absorbed by fat globules which are constantly travelling through the small intestine. Once the vitamins are absorbed by these fat globules it’s all up to our circulatory system to do the rest. There are 4 fat soluble vitamins we need in totality which include Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.  

Vitamin A

Vitamin A’s most common dietary form is known as retinol and most of us associate it with vision and eye care. This is completely true because without a good amount of it one would go blind. Most of us fall short trying to get a sufficient amount of it on our daily dietary needs because we don’t know its sources. Vitamin A is most abundantly found in fish liver oil and butter and can be derived from red, yellow, orange and leafy-dark green vegetables. So considering shooters need good eyesight for efficient shooting, getting a portion of vitamin A rich 

Vitamin E

The next fat soluble vitamin we will be talking about is Vitamin E. Since it is fat soluble our body stores it and only uses it when it is needed. What we know as vitamin E is actually a group of powerful antioxidants amongst which Alpha-tocopherol is the most common. The main role for Vitamin E is to help repair your cells so you have a better recovery on a daily basis. Another fat-soluble vitamin that is very important for the proper functioning of your body is Vitamin K. What most people don’t know is that this compound can be divided into two different categories, K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). Its major role is to help with clotting and maintaining bone health, making it very important in preventing excessive bleeding and broken bones. 

Vitamin D

Moving onto the final fat soluble vitamin; Vitamin D or the sunshine vitamin. Everyone knows why it’s called the sunshine vitamin; it’s produced by our skin when we are exposed to sunlight for a period of time. Vitamin D is most important when talking about bone health and maintenance because if one has a deficiency it makes them extremely susceptible to bone fractures and other skin deficiencies. To know more about the Sunshine Vitamins go check out your detailed article on “Why Vitamin D is Important for You up on our website. 

Water Soluble Vitamins 

Now that we are done with fat soluble Vitamins let’s move onto water soluble Vitamins. Those vitamins that are available in foods that have high water content are usually those which are carried throughout the body via water. They come under a high risk of deficiency but have a very low risk of toxicity, meaning we can run out of a good amount of it in our system but the chances of a high enough dose of such vitamins staying in our system is less. The most common forms of water soluble vitamins are Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex.

Vitamin C & B Complex

Starting with Vitamin C, this vitamin is known as the most powerful antioxidant which can help boost your blood antioxidant levels to a great extent. This is not the only property of Vitamin C as it is also capable of recycling the existing Vitamin E in our body. On the other hand, Vitamin B Complex is actually a collection or group of 8 water soluble vitamins which perform a number of different important functions which involve our metabolism and the why in which our body uses the energy present. It is also involved in the formation and subsequent maturation of Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells in our bone marrow. This is also why it is very important for the rapid division and growth of cells. 

We have now broken down the most important vitamins out there and why it is very important for everyone, especially shooters to have a balance in them. Having knowledge about what should go in your body and making sure that you are keeping up with your body’s basic requirements is the first step towards a successful shooting career. If you liked this article and would like us to do more articles like these please let us know in the comment section below. We would also love to hear about how you keep you’re Vitamins levels up in the comment section as well. Stay tuned form more interesting articles and KEEP GROWING!

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