Breathing, A Way to Gain Balance!

3 Min Read


Why should we talk about breathing? It’s something we do naturally without having to think about it. So why should we take 10-15 minutes out of our busy schedule just ‘To Breath’? Why would we put effort into something that happens automatically through our autonomous system?


It is because breathing is our life source and by focusing on it we can build a bridge that connects our body with our mind. When we are in a stressful situation there are two things that happen to our body. The first is that our heart rate increases and the second is that our breathing becomes irregular and fast. This is exactly what happens to us when we are under match pressure as well. What if I told you that just by focusing on one aspect you can get both of these things under control? All you have to do is focus on your breathing!


By consciously breathing you can calm your heart down and therefore also relax your mind. Breathing exercises are the most powerful ways of controlling your mind, your body and your nervous system. Benefits of breathing, i.e. intentional breathwork, are FOCUS, CALMNESS, NON-REACTIVENESS. As shooters we all know that all three of these benefits are very important in our field. So intentional breathwork is very important if we want to improve our reactivity both mentally and physically during matches. In today’s world we are constantly bombarded with an enormous amount of sensory experiences that are beginning to overload our sympathetic nervous systems. Our phones, loud noises and flashing lights are all examples of sensory experiences that are constantly trying to get our attention. This begins to activate the ‘fight or flight mechanism’ in our body constantly throwing us out of balance. As shooters we need to constantly strive to be in a balanced state.


Breathing is a tool that we can use to regain this lost balance and bring back the ‘rest and digest mechanism’. It can reduce blood pressure, slow down our breath and heart rate which is what most shooters want during practice and match situations. After you perform a breathing exercise you may notice that your mind is quieter and a sense of peace and quiet surrounding you. These exercises can control the pH of your blood, boost your digestion and lower your heart rate and cortisol levels. It can help you go to sleep and also help you experience out of body experiences. Breathing exercises can help you take control of your nervous system. Such a simple exercise can achieve mental and physical stability for you and isn’t that what every shooter wants?

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